Monday 3 August 2009

some awards

Some lovely blogging pals of mine have passed some awards on to me... how chuffed I am!

1. Tracey gave me this Circle of Friends award,

2. Sarah gave me this award...

3. Debbie also gave me the first two of these awards ... thanks Debbie!!

I am really hopeless at passing awards on lately....

I really do love blogging and all the friends that I have made through blogging.... I really love seeing all your wonderful creations and reading about your lives... I can't pick just a few people
for these awards .... instead I'll break all these awards rules and give these to all the blogs I follow.... see my blog list to the right -->


  1. Ooh you little revel breaking the rules LOL Don't blame you though xx

  2. Congrats on all your awards hun!xx


Thanks for stopping by and leaving me some love - I love to read your comments and to come and see your blogs too!